So – what do those phrases “EAT LOCAL” and “LOCAL PRODUCTS – TEXAS TASTE” mean to me?
It’s been a passion of mine to promote Swiss food and Swiss food culture for many years —
I’ve been a fierce and dedicated promoter of Swiss cuisine, Swiss grown and produced products, and Swiss food festivals for nearly a decade (publicly), and much longer privately (I have lived in Switzerland since 2005!) and I will continue to do so in my business.
I founded my first blog “Swiss Eats” in 2012 with the express intention of helping foreigners to understand Swiss products, helping to translate the names of ingredients, and helping those new to CH understand how to use these ingredients in their cooking.
Whether I was re-creating my familiar favorites, or introducing my readers to local dishes like “Züri-Gschnätzlets” and “Spinatwähe” through the blog and several online and print publications (Hello Switzerland, Mothering Matters, Any Working Mom, and more), my goal was always to share my love of the local food and food culture.
In the last few years I have spent less time with Swiss Eats, and more time bringing my food directly to people, through my catering and home delivery services. And with the purchase of my food trailer, I hope to reach an even wider audience!
I am so lucky to live in a gorgeous region where I am flanked on all sides by wine producers, farmers, beer brewers, bread bakers, jam makers, beekeepers, fishermen, wild game hunters, and so much more. There are only a few exotic foods I buy that are produced outside of Switzerland (avocados and quinoa, for example) but I try to buy these and other imported items from local businesses whenever possible.
I take these gorgeous locally produced and sourced foods, and using my natural cooking skills, I am able to transform them into authentic Texas BBQ – Tex Mex Classics – Southern cuisine – American comfort foods, and more!
It goes without saying that using locally grown and produced products is the best option for our planet, for our bodies, and for the people whom we support with our purchases.
I am continually updating my list of local producers, and if you have a locally produced product or local business to recommend, please comment below! 🙂